Game of Things

Game of Things Reimagined - A Team Bonding Game


"Game of Things - Reimagined" is a delightful team bonding game. This engaging activity revolves around sparking laughter, encouraging creativity, and strengthening team connections.

In the game, participants are presented with a series of humorous and open-ended prompts. Each team member takes turns responding to these prompts by writing down their answers on individual slips of paper. The prompts can range from quirky questions to amusing scenarios that prompt unique and personal responses.The twist here lies in the guessing phase. After everyone has submitted their responses, one participant, in this case it was me, reads the answers aloud while the rest of the team tries to guess who wrote what. The goal is not just to guess correctly but to appreciate the diversity of perspectives and humor within the team.


I utilized Figma and AI to create a beautiful version of this classic game. The most recent variables tool is a game changer. The fact that we can do calculations in Figma will make our prototypes even more real and will impress clients and developers.

I wanted to choose a background that would make the user feel relaxed while playing this game. The background was created by various AI prompts and coupled with blues music for a greater experience, especially that our team bonding activity was on a late Friday night after we had completed our retrospective session.

Result and Impact

This game cultivates a lighthearted atmosphere, fostering laughter and camaraderie as team members discover unexpected facets of each other's personalities. The shared enjoyment of humor helps break down barriers, encourages team members to be themselves, and establishes a positive and inclusive team culture. It serves as an excellent icebreaker and team-building tool, creating memorable moments that contribute to a more cohesive and spirited team dynamic. It's a perfect blend of laughter and connection that brings joy to the workplace and strengthens the bonds among team members.

I am satisfied with how the game turned out and the team highly appreciated the work I put in to make it possible.


Madrid, Spain